16 March 2021 2024-08-03 18:31About
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Save our Navy and Marine Corps
Support and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Navy and Marine Corps and the United States Naval Academy
We are current, former, or retired naval officers representing thousands of years of Naval service.
We affirm the Navy’s traditional values of honor, courage and commitment and we believe those are under threat.
We have observed with increasing alarm the dangerous politicization of our armed forces through the promotion of the divisive ideology of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
While sounding good, right, and politically correct, these carefully selected words are deceptive and destructive in nature when applied to social constructs that demand merit-based selection and exceptional leadership in potential life and death situations.
We believe in equal opportunity and in merit advancement. These two factors are critical to unit cohesion, morale, and effectiveness. We believe the military, above all other walks of life, must operate under those principles.
The Calvert Task Group was formed in 2021 as an association of U.S. Naval Academy alumni, led by members of the class of 1969.
Our members believe that American Service Academies are exceptional institutions for developing future leaders prepared to assume the highest responsibilities of command citizenship and government.
Our class motto – “Non Sibi” or “Not Self” – appears in the crest inscribed on our class rings and is a common bond that has molded our lives for more than half a century.
We understand that if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. We are committed.
We are open to all Naval Academy graduates and also welcome others who agree with and are willing to support our cause.
The Calvert Task Group (CTG) represents veterans and service academy alumni, most of whom are combat experienced. We have personally witnessed the unique, “color and gender blind” culture of our fellow warriors, necessary to prevail on the battlefield.
Operational team/unit effectiveness requires subordination of self and subgroup identities. It has proven incontrovertible that racial and gender preferences inherently lower standards, erode morale, compromise unit cohesion, and degrade readiness.
The result is suboptimal war fighting and diminished mutual trust, causing unnecessary loss of life and, worse, risk of mission failure. Diversity as a determining measure of excellence or the key criteria for selection for command is contrary to good order and discipline.

Vice Admiral James Calvert
Our Task Group is named after James Calvert, a highly accomplished Naval officer who served as the Superintendent of the US Naval Academy from 1968 to 1972. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal whose citation states, “By his inspiring and dedicated efforts toward providing the best education and training possible for the Brigade of Midshipmen, Vice Admiral Calvert contributed immeasurable in providing the Navy and Marine Corps with superior officers…”
Our Concerns
We perceive a radical political element making serious attempts to change the focus of our Constitutional Republic, a national challenge without historical precedent. The insidious nature of this revisionist agenda is permeating our public school systems and shaping divisive cultural changes in our society, the military, and the U.S. Naval Academy.
Our primary concern is that every Midshipman in the Brigade is faced with an emerging campus culture they did not anticipate.
Each class takes the same oath, the significance of which now seems in jeopardy as it is threatened by required reading, training sessions and an underlying institutional culture that betrays the values of courage, honor, and commitment.
This betrayal raises serious concern as to how these young leaders will face the threats of a more dangerous world.
We have similar concerns for all young Americans considering a Naval Academy education and the contradictory information they may be receiving during the accession process.
Blue and Gold Officers are receiving unprecedented negative feedback from parents regarding cultural changes they interpret as undermining the Naval Academy reputation.
Our Goals and Objectives
Change to Curriculum
Effect changes to the current course of education at the Naval Academy to refocus on developing apolitical leaders of courage, character, and commitment. Ensure balance is brought back into the Academy curriculum, including emphasis on the Constitution and American exceptionalism.
Engage Centers of Influence
Engage and align all Service Academy initiatives to approach centers of influence in Congress, the media, military support organizations and other sympathetic voices in positions of influence.
Enlist Governance Groups
Approach and enlist existing governance groups such as the USNA Board of Visitors, the Athletic and Scholarship Board of Trustees, and any/all alumni organizations.
Naval Academy Advisory Board
Support efforts to define and promote a Naval Academy Advocacy Advisory Board consisting of retired Flag officers to influence our mission at the highest levels of government.
Recruit Spokespersons
Recruit spokespersons for our cause to confront these issues with all the strength our class can muster.