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BOOK REVIEW: The Perilous Fight by Dr. Ben Carson

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BOOK REVIEW: The Perilous Fight by Dr. Ben Carson

By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret

The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family by Ben Carson M.D. with Candy Carson

The subtitle of this work by the eminent former brain surgeon and Trump HUD Secretary says it all: “Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family.”

Dr. Carson offers his personal Christian testimony, his experience growing up as a child in a one-parent household held together by the love, faith, and tenacity of his mother, and his analysis of the family under extreme duress in the America ruled by the left, to assess today’s state of the American family.

The state of the family is not a pretty picture in 2024. Marriage is in decline. Children are adrift controlled more by the education system, social media and societal trends than by their own parents.

Traditional families with a Father and Mother are becoming rarer and rarer. Single parent households are becoming the norm especially in the inner cities and within minority communities.

The birth rate except in the inner city is plummeting putting the nation at risk of survival. The government foolishly rewards the single parent model of families.

Intrusive government and an all-powerful public education establishment have abandoned traditional American values and former focus on the family. Now they promote liberal ideas, ideas that are antithetical to the success of traditional family values.

God and faith have all but disappeared in the institutions of America including schools, government, the media, and entertainment.

Thus, the title of the book, The Perilous Fight.

America is in a perilous fight to retain or even regain the traditional American family that existed since our founding.

The traditional family with a Father and Mother leading and bringing up their children in the right way with Judeo-Christian values, reverence for our founding, history, and Constitution and form of government, is ebbing away due to forces of evil that have infiltrated every institution in America.

While the picture Dr. Carson paints is painful to read about and troubling to say the least, all is not lost.

In a calm, reasoned and logical fashion he both lays out the wrongs about today’s American families but prescribes the prescription for healing and a way forward. A way forward that restores a traditional structure like a Mother and Father being the rule rather than the exception for the American family.

Written in a clear and straightforward fashion and building his argument in support of families and against the radical agendas of the left today of promoting a re-writing of American history and damaging ideologies like the welfare state or transgenderism or the celebration of the gay lifestyle, Dr. Carson lays out the steps we can take to restore the American family to wholeness despite the attacks on those traditional values from the left.

It will take millions to take action to save the family.

Americans must stand up and fight in their communities for traditional values and a whole family model.

Americans must insist that our government return to its roots of supporting traditional values and intact families and not have policies that encourage the opposite.

Americans must support policies that promote the traditional model of marriage of being between one man and one woman bringing up children in an intact family.

And, Americans must insist on reducing the size of the American government and its intrusion into the control of the traditional family.

Children must be born and raised and nourished in a traditional two parent family for flourishing to occur. All the science ever done, and it is extensive, supports this hypothesis.

America is in a perilous fight to save the traditional family. Our lives and our future depend on it.

CAPT Brent Ramsey is a member of the Board of Advisors for STARRS, an Officer and Director for Calvert Task Group, a Board of Advisors member for the Center for Military Readiness, and Member and Secretary for the Edwards Military Advisory Group for Congressman Chuck Edwards (NC-11). He is a prolific writer haven written for the American Thinker, Real Clear Defense, Armed Forces Press, Patriot Post and many others. He co-authored Don’t Give Up the Ship which will be published on September 17th, 2024.

Book Description:

Learn from one of our leading conservative voices how we can return to the biblical values our nation was founded upon, especially the vital importance of the family, in order to secure a prosperous future for generations to come.

Does America no longer feel like home? Widespread divorce rates, the erosion of traditional marriage, the popular rise of radical ideologies, attacks on faith, and government interference are only a few of the factors contributing to the struggles of families in our culture. And because of the importance of healthy families to every part of our national life, the breakdown of the family threatens to rob us of the country we love. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Like many of us, Dr. Ben Carson fears we are losing the country we love. In this provocative and ultimately hopeful book, he gives us the facts, inspiration, and theory-to-action answers we need to restore a key foundation of America: the family.

The Perilous Fight equips us to understand:

  • The hard data behind the breakdown of the family and its effects on our society, including poverty, crime, and deteriorating education
  • The core biblical beliefs that led our nation into unprecedented freedom and prosperity–and why abandoning those beliefs led to the social decline we see today
  • The fresh ideas and public policy options that could reverse negative trends impacting the family while maintaining a balance between constitutional freedoms and governmental involvement

This is a practical and inspiring book for anyone who:

  • Feels discouraged about the state of our country and its institutions
  • Needs hope that there are commonsense, attainable solutions that we all can practice
  • Appreciates a conservative, Scripture-based approach to restoring faith, liberty, community, and life in America

Strong families are the cornerstone of strong communities. Strong communities build a strong nation. Only when we prioritize the family as an institution established by God will we proudly remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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