Navy officials called critics of LGBTQ+ Pride efforts ‘bigots’ and ‘a**holes,’ emails show
1 June 2023 2024-05-18 14:55Navy officials called critics of LGBTQ+ Pride efforts ‘bigots’ and ‘a**holes,’ emails show

Navy officials called critics of LGBTQ+ Pride efforts ‘bigots’ and ‘a**holes,’ emails show
Navy officials dismissed critics of its promotion of LGBTQ+ Pride as “bigots” and “a**holes,” according to emails obtained by Fox News Digital.
Two Navy officials expressed disgust with negative public response to its social media posts for LGBTQ+ Pride Month last year, according to emails obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request from the Functional Government Initiative.
The two officials schemed on how to best post its “rainbow wingtip graphic” for LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which they complained would be flooded with “feedback from trolls and ugliness.”
One official wrote that he had a “really rough day” and was debating whether to disable comments on social media posts.
“I just don’t have the emotional energy to deal with rude a**holes and we are planning to put up our Pride Month post,” wrote the official, whose name and position are redacted. “I’d just as soon post our message without any feedback from trolls and ugliness.”
The Navy’s assistant chief of information, whose name is redacted, responded to this suggestion on disabling posts with advice on how to promote the “righteousness of our cause” with help from “more savory members of our audience.”
“Not a best practice, but totally up to you. Here’s how I advised our leadership before we put up our rainbow wingtip graphic,” the official wrote.
“This will draw fire from the less savory members of our audience. However, the likely actions of bad actors should not stop us from doing the right thing. The more savory members of our audience will generally rise to our defense. But no amount of clobbering the bad actors with comm points will convince them of the righteousness of our cause, and they will only respond with more bile. Therefore, unless otherwise directed, we will not engage,” the official continued. . . .
. . . . The assistant chief of information, in a separate email about choosing a Pride Month profile photo for social media, appeared to suggest there was opposition from the recruiting wing of the Navy, known as CRUITCOM.
“CRUITCOM has in the past expressed disappointment with us for modifying the brand icon,” the official wrote.
The official then debated whether to ask CRUITCOM for permission to use the LGBTQ+ profile photo.
This supposed opposition from CRUITCOM comes as the Navy is estimated to miss its recruitment goals for fiscal year 2023 by 16%, according to the vice chief of naval operations.
Pete McGinnis, the director of communications for Functional Government Initiative, said the documents show that the Navy values politics over its own struggling recruitment efforts.
“It appears there are personnel in the U.S. Navy who believe promoting the LGBTQ agenda is more important than their ethical responsibilities to keep politics separate from their responsibilities in the military,” McGinnis said. “To devise schemes to circumvent any input of recruiters while the armed forces suffer a recruiting crisis puts the nation at risk.” . . . (read more on Fox News)
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