The American Dilemma: The difference between apathy and outrage is understanding consequences
20 July 2024 2024-07-20 0:22The American Dilemma: The difference between apathy and outrage is understanding consequences

The American Dilemma: The difference between apathy and outrage is understanding consequences
By Capt. Tom Burbage, US Navy ret, USNA ’69
President, Calvert Task Group
Our American civilization is engaged in a battle of future state civilizations. The road to influencing and establishing that future state looks like it will be a long and tortuous one.
The body of work called America is a complex web of patriotic history, human experience, education and personal impact. It is also a history of unequaled prosperity.
Commitment to the original concept of a Constitutional Republic, founded on the principles of a nation governed by the people and not a people governed by the government appears to be lost on many.
Why is that?
The amazing insight of our founding fathers recognized our nation would face foreign enemies. We did that in two World Wars, Korea and the war on terror.
That record was based on generations that were committed to the concept of America and who were willing to sacrifice all to sustain it for following generations. Those generations are rapidly becoming forgotten.
Those founding fathers also warned of the threat of domestic enemies focused on eliminating any advantage this unique governmental process enabled.
The snake that penetrated the Garden of Evil and brought on the human battle between good and evil was fundamental to their Judeo-Christian belief that destruction from within might be a more treacherous threat than any foreign enemy.
The snake has indeed taken root, often hidden from the populace that can vote on maintaining a government of the people.
Who voted to allow the infection of our school systems with the Marxist teachings of Critical Race Theory?
Who voted to allow our children to be influenced by “gender benders” without parental guidance?
Who voted to open our borders to all comers, with no assimilation into the American culture?
Who voted to allow those migrants to be supported by the American taxpayer and, most egregiously, to be part of our voting populace?
The answer is no one who truly understands the consequences.
America is staring down an inflection point in our journey to the future. Our American patriots are expressing outrage to the State of our Nation.
But many in our voting populace are not feeling the pain that our children and grandchildren will experience and are apathetic. Their problem, not mine.
A significant part of our nation seems willing to support a radical change in the freedoms we enjoy and shutting down the American way.
The future will depend on understanding the consequences of this critical moment in our history.
We are living in a battle of future civilizations. What other civilizations are telling their children to hate their country?
Is it time to express outrage or be apathetic?
It all depends on your understanding of consequences and your understanding of the looming fork in the road to the future civilization we leave behind.
Time for outrage in my opinion.
Comment by STARRS Chairman Lt. General Rod Bishop:
This essay is outstanding. It raises so many issues that have been thrust upon our society by a segment of our society who seem to have no idea about the vision of our founding fathers and want to take us in an entirely different and dangerous direction:
–identity politics as the new form of racism
–mass migration without assimilation
–mass mail in voting/ballot harvesting creating a lack in confidence of free and fair elections
–attacks from the executive branch on the judicial system
–tolerance for criminal activities
–emphasis on foundational principles disappearing from our schools
etc, etc, etc
And when you look at just about any poll–some 40% of Americans seem to want more of the same. If one wonders “why?” or “how can this be?”–I would suggest at least 3 reasons.
1. Sometimes the leading opponent of this mess is his own worst enemy.
2. A corrupt media that has lost essentially any credibility. No longer are they the fourth stool of our government, keeping everyone “honest” and holding our leaders accountable. I am sure, for example, you remember the Harvard poll during Trump’s first term that showed 85-93% of prime time coverage of Trump was negative.
3. People have always voted “Democrat” and don’t realize the party is not even closely related to the party it once was.