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USMC Commandant Allegedly Pressured VAX-Injured Two-Star’s Silence


USMC Commandant Allegedly Pressured VAX-Injured Two-Star’s Silence

A two-star Marine General was injured by the COVID vaccine, but was told not to say anything so that thousands of Marines under his command would get the same vaccine. This is part of an OAN documentary, The Military Vaccine Mandate Tragedy, which is not yet available.

Watch this excerpt:



Reporter Neil McCabe, OAN
We’re still learning the brutal truth about the thousands of military personnel who suffered COVID 19 vaccine injuries.

One of the stories we explored in OAN Investigates: Biden’s War on Warriors — The Military Vaccine Mandate Tragedy involves a two star Marine General Julian Alford.

Retired Marine F-18 fighter pilot Lt Colonel David Trombley, call sign T-Bone, gave us the details.

Lieutenant Colonel David Trombley
So Major General Alford told me that he took that first vaccine in January of 2021 and took the second 121 days later, February 1st of 2021. Within 24 hours, he received an injury that had a burning sensation and lost the use of his thumb and forefinger based off that nerve. And he went through every single test you could go through to include things for Parkinson’s and ALS. Very painful testing to try to figure out what it was.

And he knew all along that it was a vaccine injury but had to go through the process. The colonel said that General finally had a physical therapist tell him that he had Parsonage Turner Syndrome, a neurological adverse effect that has been documented in COVID 19 vaccine recipients. He’s convinced and to this day knows that he has this vaccine injury. And that information has been passed to the commandant of the Marine Corps.

Reporter Neil McCabe, OAN
T-Bone said the commandant went up to Alford and told him to keep his mouth shut about his own vax injury.

Lieutenant Colonel David Trombley
And in October of 2021, he was at a symposium with a number of generals, and when the commandant learned of his injury, he approached General Alford and told him, I need you to keep that information quiet. I need my Marines to get vaccinated.

And General Alford, who shared that story with myself and others, and he gave me the opportunity with full attribution to say that that is his story and his testimony.

Reporter Neil McCabe, OAN
Just to be clear, sir, you’re saying that the two star Marine general who is in charge of all Marine training was himself vax injured, but told by the commandant of the Marine Corps to keep his mouth shut so that the tens of thousands of Marines under his command would get that same vaccine.

Lieutenant Colonel David Trombley
And without the use of his left hand, he had to use his right hand to, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, separate 25 to 35 Marines that were non-willing to take the vaccine. And with his staff and he would go through and get these packages every Tuesday and Thursday, he was separating 25 to 30 Marines at a time.

He said he removed around 500 Marines during this period and it broke his heart to do that.


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