Woke culture, victim mentality present danger to American society, retired Navy SEAL says
19 February 2023 2024-05-18 15:26Woke culture, victim mentality present danger to American society, retired Navy SEAL says

Woke culture, victim mentality present danger to American society, retired Navy SEAL says
People who see themselves as victims are becoming the majority in America, and that trend will have dire consequences if it goes unchecked, one retired Navy SEAL said.
“This sense of victimhood is coming in and rising to the top,” Mike Sarraille told Fox News. “This woke culture trying to sort of inflict their views on other people who can’t have a dissenting opinion. And it’s killing the dialogue.”
Sarraille left the military in 2018 and started several businesses, including Legacy Expeditions, which coordinated the record-setting Triple 7 mission last month, during which a group of special operations skydived onto all seven continents in just over six days. He recently released his second book, “The Everyday Warrior,” which aims to help readers shed their own victim mentality and build positive habits.
“Being a warrior is about a mindset, not carrying a gun,” Sarraille said.
Sarraille doesn’t blame young people for adopting a victim mentality — he said it’s been taught to them.
“The problem is us. It’s my generation,” he said, adding that politicians are setting a poor leadership example and that the public education system is ingraining victim mentality in kids, particularly through Critical Race Theory.
While victim mentality itself is hard to measure, an American Psychological Association survey found members of Gen Z were significantly more likely than other generations to report their mental health as “fair” or “poor,” and 91% of young respondents said they had experienced “at least one physical or emotional symptom because of stress.”
Young people are also much more likely to support cancel culture than older generations, according to the Manhattan Institute.
“We’re not creating a generation of warriors,” Sarraille said. “Instead, we’re creating victims who think they’re entitled to certain things and that nothing is their fault.” . . . (read more on Fox News)