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While Navy Pushes DEI, 37% of Attack Subs Are Out of Order

DEI AgendaNavy

While Navy Pushes DEI, 37% of Attack Subs Are Out of Order

On June 16, 2023, a date which will live in infamy, the Pearl Harbor base featured the story of Lt. Nick Grant, an “out gay cisgender man” who was a co-chair of the Naval Medical Force Pacific Transgender Care Team (NMFP TGCT).

The title of the Pride Month feature was “serving with pride”.

The Navy’s medical service, which can’t seem to do anything about active duty personnel killing themselves, has multiple “transgender care teams” for different regions composed of multiple specialists for different areas to “oversee and, in many cases, provide mental health, hormonal, and surgical interventions as needed to facilitate the gender transition process.”

There are some who say that the Navy ought to be focused on other things. Like getting its submarines to work.

In the latest numbers, nearly 40% of attack subs are out of commission.

With only 31 subs operationally ready, the US Navy is more unready than ever to face off against the People’s Liberation Army Submarine Force of Communist China.

In 2017, 28% of submarines were out of commission. By 2022, it was 33%, and now it’s 37%. At the rate that the woke Naval brass are going, most subs will soon be out of order.

Under Biden, the number of operational nuclear powered attack subs has never gone above 33 out of 49. A third of our submarine attack fleet being out of order has become the new normal.

If only the Navy could repair subs as quickly as its transgender care teams castrate sailors.

As the U.S. Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) commander responsible for 37 attack and ballistic missile submarines, Rear Admiral J.T. Jablon is “committed to broadening the diversity, equity, and inclusion of our Submarine Force”.

“Diverse representation without equity and inclusion degrades our readiness. Barriers to inclusion are the unconscious biases we carry without our awareness,” J.T. Jablon claimed in the official DEI statement.

Everyone in the submarine fleet must be subjected to racial struggle sessions and political indoctrination, opportunities must be awarded based on race.

Not only hasn’t DEI improved readiness, but submarine readiness has drastically dropped.

“Diversity and inclusion are cornerstones of high organizational performance and mission effectiveness,” J.T. Jablon argued.

The state of the submarine fleet proves otherwise.

The Navy is more diverse than ever. Pride Month is celebrated at American naval bases all across the Pacific. And even the most basic functions of the fleet are out of order.

When Biden nominated Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, a Democrat fundraiser, the former contractor was supposed to untangle the supply chain issues.

But his company, SBG, benefited from government contracts as a “minority-owned business and a service disabled veteran owned small business” and he’s shown no ability to fix the Navy’s problems.

Del Toro, who had served on the Naval Academy Alumni Association’s Special Commission on Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion to purge political dissent, announced that his focus would be on China, Culture, Climate, and COVID.

The US Navy is going green and promised that, like California, it would reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050”.

The Navy’s 2023 budget wastes $718 million on fighting global warming. That’s more than 10% of the $6.2 billion in maintenance costs for 151 Navy vessels.

If the Navy focused as much on getting its vessels operational as it does on global warming, identity politics and other partisan leftist causes, we would have subs in the water and have nothing to fear from China. . . . (read more on Front Page Magazine)


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